/featured programs
Interactive Map
Something unique to community-based pharmacy residency programs: they often have practice sites separate from the primary site. You can filter by category on the map below to view programs or practice sites.
For more information about Community-based Pharmacy Residency Programs (CPRPs):
Other Showcases
Most programs participate in many showcases, both in person and virtual.
Common hosts include NCPA, ASHP, ACCP, state/local associations, and more.
Open Houses
Most programs will offer one or more info sessions.
You can find these on their individual websites or social media accounts.
Visit the APhA website
CPRPs are accredited by ASHP and APhA.
Utilize the ASHP Residency Directory
Programs can be filtered by category (PGY1) and sub-category (Community-Based Pharmacy).
If you want your PGY1 CPRP to be included on our website, please submit information here
/Coming soon!
We can't wait to feature additional postgraduate training options that PGY1 community-based residents can pursue!

If you want your PGY2 program or fellowship to be featured, please submit your information here.